Difference between Firewall and Router | Firewall vs Router Comparison Table

Firewall and Router are the two most commonly used networking device where one is used for securing the network and other is used for connecting different networks. Now, here is a big question, why we use firewall instead of a router.

Before discussing the difference between firewall and router (firewall vs router), it’s important to know what is the use of both the devices, its features, advantages and disadvantages.

Difference between Firewall and Router


What is Firewall

The firewall is a secured wall between public and the private network. It protects your internal network from the user of the external network. The firewall may consist of hardware or software or both.

How Firewall Works | Firewall Advantages and Disadvantages

What is Firewall in Networking | How does a firewall works & its types | Full Explained with Example

What is Router

The router is a networking device works under networking layer of OSI model. It transfers data in the form of packets and uses to connect two or more different networks with each other. The router in a computer network is having the ability to create multiple paths for data transmission and select the best route to transfer the same. A router is quite common to find a home, business, school, colleges, etc which allows your network to communicate with other networks including internet.

Difference between Firewall and Router in tabular form



Firewall is used to secure network. The router is used to connect multiple networks.
We can create SSL VPN on firewall We cannot create SSL VPN on the router.
Firewall works in layer 2 and layer 3 of OSI Model. The router only works in Layer 3 of OSI Model.
We cannot trace the route of data packets using a firewall. We can trace the router of packets using a router.
Firewall encrypt data. The router does not encrypt data.
Firewall hide the real IP Address of a device in the network from external users. The router does not hide the IP Address of a device in a network of external users.
The firewall allows you to do port filtering. Port filtering cannot be done using a router.
Packet Filtering can be done using a firewall. Packet filtering cannot be done using a router.
The firewall can either be a hardware or software. The router is only a hardware device.
Firewalls cannot share two networks, instead can protect the networks. Routers are capable of sharing an internet connection between LANs and WANs.
Protocols such as RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF cannot be configured on a firewall. Protocols such as RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF can be configured on a router.


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